Common Types of Birth Injuries and How Lawyers Address Each Case

Common Types of Birth Injuries and How Lawyers Address Each Case

Childbirth is one of the most exciting events in the life of every parent, but it sometimes may result in severe injuries. Birth injuries affect the child’s development and his/her quality of life which in turn poses a burden to the family in terms of emotional and financial implications. 

When a birth injury takes place as a result of medical malpractice, consulting a lawyer is wise. Birth injury lawyers focus on ensuring that families benefit from compensation claims that most people consider complicated.

Learning about the various kinds of birth injuries and how lawyers approach each claim can enable parents to start their process of recovery. A birth injury lawyer would always take his/her time to assess the circumstances of the case, making sure that families that require assistance are assisted.

Brachial Plexus Injuries

This is sometimes experienced when excessive force is applied to the baby’s neck and shoulders, particularly when delivering a difficult childbirth. The birth injury lawyer, in these situations, is interested in whether the medical team applied undue force or used improper delivery equipment and means, including forceps or vacuums. They will examine whether there are other approaches that ought to have been adopted in order to execute the task without causing the injury—such as a C-section.

Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)

This is a critical situation that occurs due to the reduction in oxygen and blood supply to a newborn’s brain during delivery. This can ultimately cause brain damage in the child, impairing their learning progression as well as their intellect. As for HIE cases, a birth injury lawyer will try to find out whether the baby’s vital signs were closely observed by the medical staff as well as their timely response to complications. Delivery complications, failure to perform an emergency Cesarean section, or complications in labor can lead to HIE. The lawyer needs to prove that timely and adequate medical treatment could have helped avoid the injury.

Fractures and Broken Bones

Some of the birth complications may include fractures. Such injuries usually occur due to a misuse of the delivery tools, or when the force is applied inappropriately. The birth injury lawyer will look at the procedures applied in delivery and see if the injury could have been prevented. 

Birth injury lawyer
Birth injury lawyer

Bell’s Palsy

This can result in partial or complete loss of the facial muscles. Birth injury attorneys who take facial paralysis cases will look at whether reasonable and safer methods of administering the treatment could be used, and if the medical team managing the patient acknowledged and addressed the harm.


The consequences of birth injuries are catastrophic to families, but legal recourse is a crucial step toward defending those affected. Birth injury lawyers aid families in obtaining the financial requisites that are necessary to support and nurture an injured child. Contacting an attorney can help if your family has experienced a birth injury, as they offer the necessary assistance you need to find justice.



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