Animal Kingdom Season 7 Cancelled? What’s the Release Date?

Animal Kingdom season 7

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The television giant TNT stunned the film world with the unexpected news of shutting down its critically acclaimed crime show “Animal Kingdom” in season six. It was affirmed that this sixth season climaxed the series that has captured the public’s imagination for its high-stakes family crime dramas since 2016. The last episode was aired on August 28th, 2022, and marked the end of a series that explored the tempestuous life of the Cody family.

The Background of the Series

This American crime drama television series was based on a family from Camp Pendleton, which carries out armed robbery missions like casinos, jewelry stores, and banks, and they also engage in illegal drug distributions as an additional source of income. Most of their illegal activities are perpetrated out of necessity because they live under constant fear owing to debts owed to some unknown rich men who once bailed out Smurf, her mother, when she was still into such crimes and a heist.

After that, she resided at Oceanside Point Loma with her father Barry or Baz before later moving to Orange County Aliso Viejo, all these places situated within the California-state region other than Oceanside, where they initially came from. However, they still resided there during certain periods before relocating elsewhere again, including some temporary stays within Santa Ana Lakeside while searching for suitable temporary residence till finding another one along Huntington Beach coastline though due eastward direction than previous ones along the Pacific Ocean coastline, excepting Huntington Beach.

Animal Kingdom Season 7 Cancellation

TNT officially ended the long-running television show in August 2022, leaving fans of this popular crime drama disheartened. The show was cut short after just six seasons, while other hit shows continued on.

The program’s duration was characterized by cycle of prolificacy funded by unlawful deeds in southern California. Very little was left to follow up on for the Codys following conclusion, with the remaining time frames being hinted at that made viewers to conclude that not much could be done.

Reflections on the Final Season

Les Landau’s television directorial debut in episode thirty-nine, titled “Artemis Surfing Board,” where it narrates how the family copes with their long-buried silent issue. Throughout episode thirty-nine, titled “Artemis,” there is no incident that potentially reverses this peaceful resolution if everything comes open over the next few episodes, either through some accidental chance or as a result of deliberate parental behavior.

Parents forgive everything their children have done despite not asking for it because they will never know unless you do that. At some point, the elder children in this risky situation will always regret not having shared with their parents long ago. Such revelations can wait till the right moment when both parents give an okay signal yet still allow them some breathing time before it happens (Orwell 52).

Animal Kingdom

Animal Kingdom Season 7 Release Date

The series ended in season 6, so there would not be a season 7. However, frustration still exists among fans who believe that there are more tales that need to be told. A lot of people feel that J, Craig, Deran, and Pope have stories that weren’t given closure at all because their arcs deserved deepening or further exploration by the writers. The viewer’s reaction varies from anger to demand for another spin-off or something else related to this known concept in some sense, like its sequel either on-screen or on the page.


Despite the end of “Animal Kingdom,” its legacy remains intact in the hearts of fans who were captivated by the complex relationships and power struggles within the Cody family. While the series may have concluded, its impact on television storytelling and its loyal fan base will endure. As viewers bid farewell to the Cody family, they eagerly anticipate what new stories may emerge in the ever-evolving landscape of television entertainment.



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